Akrobat XCITYX – The Biggest Garden Trampoline Ever

Akrobat XCITYX The largest garden Trampoline ever PIC00

Akrobat XCITYX is recognized as the biggest garden trampoline on the market. It represents an entirely new generation of trampolines that stands out for many features. One is its size, which will impress you in every aspect. Akrobat XCITYX – the largest Trampoline available for sale The Akrobat XCITYX trampoline measures a mighty 17 ft (518 cm) in […]

Above-Ground vs. In-Ground Trampolines: What’s the Difference?

akrobat vented trampoline mat

When most people think of a trampoline, they picture the traditional style that sits on top of the ground. But newer-style in-ground trampolines are surging in popularity, and in the process they’re changing the way we think about trampolines. So, what’s all the buzz about? What’s the difference between above-ground and in-ground trampolines? While both are […]

Trampoline Safety

Essential safety certificates your trampoline must have PIC00

Ensure the trampoline safety was designed by an experienced manufacturer. The first step towards getting a safer trampoline is choosing a proven and world-renowned manufacturer like Akrobat. The low price of Asian trampolines may seem tempting, the question is how long such a trampoline will last, along with its questionable safety. Choosing a trampoline made by […]

5 Benefits of Trampoline Exercise: Jump Into Weight Loss

Benefits of Trampoline Exercise

Trampoline exercises are a low-impact, highly efficient way to burn calories and stay fit while having a lot of fun. While you may need more space than with a regular calisthenic workout, there are a ton of reasons to jump into the world of trampoline workouts. If you’re looking for a workout routine that’s easy […]

Trampoline History: Chronicles Of Backyard Jumping & Fun

Chronicles of Trampoline History

The idea of tossing people into the air is centuries-old, but modern trampolines weren’t invented until the 20th century. Who invented the first trampolines, and what inspired them to make these devices for bouncing? Read on to learn more about trampoline history and who created the first trampoline. Its different uses throughout the decades may […]

22 Trampoline Safety Tips To Protect Your Child From Injury

Trampoline Safety Tips

  Trampolines are a fun way to keep the entire family fit and active. However, anyone (regardless of age) can get injured when jumping on a trampoline if they don’t practice proper trampoline safety. Whether at a trampoline park or on your home trampoline, follow our trampoline safety tips to prevent injuries and keep your […]

Trampolines Promote Better Sleep

Trampolines Promote Better Sleep   Jumping on a trampoline is not only fun, it also has many benefits for health and general well-being. In addition to strengthening bones and muscles, activating the lymphatic system, and improving cardiovascular functions and motor skills, jumping on a trampoline will also help you sleep better.   Why is a [...]

Stronger bones with trampolining

  How can trampolining help our stronger bones? Various research shows that regular rebounding helps increase bone density and hence maintain bone mass. Just like muscles can become stronger through activation, bones can also grow stronger under certain forms of strain or stress. In this case, rebounding is the most effective stressor because it stimulates the growth of […]

Combat the Fall and Winter Blues with an AkrobatUSA In-ground Trampoline

Combat with In-ground Trampoline An AkrobatUSA in-ground trampoline can provide you with hours of excitement as you jump around. The days have been getting darker and colder now that we have turned the clocks back an hour and entered standard daylight time. Many people experience the blues and feel sadder than usual this time of […]