Above-Ground vs. In-Ground Trampolines: What’s the Difference?

akrobat vented trampoline mat

When most people think of a trampoline, they picture the traditional style that sits on top of the ground. But newer-style in-ground trampolines are surging in popularity, and in the process they’re changing the way we think about trampolines. So, what’s all the buzz about? What’s the difference between above-ground and in-ground trampolines? While both are designed for BOUNCING FUN, there are some important distinctions between the two.

Here’s what you need to know In-ground trampoline

What’s the difference between in-ground and above-ground trampolines? The difference between above-ground and in-ground is that above-ground trampolines sit on top of the ground and in-ground trampolines are installed in the ground, with the bounce mat flush with the grass. That may not seem like an earth-shattering difference, but it actually changes the experience in several important ways. Bounce mat height A traditional above-ground trampoline puts the bounce mat at about 2 feet above the ground for smaller trampolines and up to 3 feet or more for larger styles. With in-ground trampolines, the bounce mat is level with the ground, because the frame actually sits beneath the ground, as we explain further below. Ease of entering the trampoline Since in-ground trampolines are flush with the ground, you simply walk onto them (or jump!). There’s no need to climb up 2-3 feet to get into the trampoline. That height difference makes in-ground trampoline so much easier to get into, both for young children and adults of all ages. Jumping height & safety A major safety concern about traditional trampolines is the danger of jumping high off the trampoline and falling to the ground. Since conventional styles are already 2-3 feet off the ground, that can be a pretty big fall, especially if the jump itself was an additional 2-3 feet above the bounce mat. For comparison, a typical kitchen counter is about 3 feet high. Imagine having a trampoline on your counter and jumping to the ground (or falling on your head). Ouch. These dangerous jump heights are eliminated with in-ground trampolines, because the bounce mat is flush with the ground. And for even more safety, you still have the option of adding a safety net enclosure to ensure bounces stay within the trampoline. Frame exposure With conventional trampolines, the metal frame is completely exposed. This can be quite an eyesore, especially if you’ve put time and money into maintaining a gorgeous landscape. The difference with in-ground trampolines is that the frame is completely hidden in the ground. As part of the installation, a small pit is dug, and the frame sits inside it. The bounce mat and frame pad completely cover up the frame. So when you stand in your backyard, all you see is the bounce mat, waiting to be enjoyed and blending with the natural surroundings. Learn more – or jump right to it! Browse our collection of in-ground outdoor trampolines and discover the differences for yourself. Choose between rectangular, square and a wide range of accessories for the ultimate in safe family fun.

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