Take a break from Adulting… Try Trampolining

Trampolines for Adults

Remember when you were young and loved that sensation of flying, riding your bike at breakneck speed down a mountain, skiing off jumps, dropping in on your skateboard, and jumping on trampolines? It’s probably been a few years since then, but now is the perfect time to take a break from adulting and all the responsibilities that come with it. Take a few minutes and do something great for your mental and physical health and experience the joy of flying again. It’s never too late to start jumping on a trampoline. Research shows that trampolining has become more and more popular with adults as well as children and teens.  Since the Covid Pandemic, people are looking for alternatives to going to the gym for their exercise.   Since more people are working from home, the sales of home exercise equipment have skyrocketed. In-ground home trampolines are the perfect addition to your home gym.  Trampolining has an immediate positive effect on your health. Jumping on your trampoline strengthens your cardiovascular system, leg and abdominal muscles, and skeletal system. Trampolining improves your balance which is critical as we age. It also supports the function of your lymphatic and your immune system leading to overall better physical health and mental well-being. More and more manufacturers are making trampolines designed for adults as well as children.  A wide range of trampolines is available to suit your needs both in style and accommodation for the adult Trampoline enthusiast. Here are some of the issues to look out for when choosing a trampoline to accommodate an adult’s jumping needs and safety. Size of trampolines for adults There are many different sizes of trampolines available suitable for adults, and each has its advantages. Ensure that the trampoline has a protected edge, meaning that the trampoline bed is slightly smaller than the trampoline’s overall dimensions. The factors that most affect the selection of the trampoline size are the size of the people using the trampoline and the amount of space you have in your yard or gardenThe most popular trampoline size is around 11x 8 feet long rectangular or 14 feet around the in-ground trampoline model, which offers a sufficiently large jumping surface area but doesn’t take up too much garden space. Smaller trampolines are available, but they are recommended only for younger children and toddlers. Trampolines come in varied sizes and shapes, so you will have lots to choose from. The flat in-ground trampolines do not impact the site line of your garden and can easily fit into most landscape designs. Shapes of trampolines for adults The shapes now available for adults include round, rectangular and multi-sided trampolines. The form and profile you choose will also be affected by the size and shape of the space where you will be setting up the trampoline. Most people choose round trampolines, which have the optimal distribution of the springs, making their rebound characteristics optimal since they always return you to the center of the bounce mat. Rectangular trampolines are particularly appropriate for professional trampolines and gymnasts, as their rectangular shape offers extra room for jumping and including various elements. Maximum weight When choosing trampolines for adults, think about the maximum weight limit that will allow for safe trampolining, stability, and long-term use. Different trampolines have different weight limits, so pay particular attention to these figures since the trampoline’s rebound properties and durability also depend on them. Trampolines for adults should be durable and designed to handle the increased weight loads. We recommend that trampolines for adults have a weight limit of at least 300 pounds.  If you want two adults to jump simultaneously, look for a weight rating of 400-500 pounds to accommodate both people comfortably. With proper use and care, you will have many years of enjoyment. Trampolines for adults include the highest quality materials If you want to keep your trampoline for a long time and stand up to adult weight loads, it is essential to have a sturdy metal frame that will withstand the highest impacts and forces created during trampolining. Trampolines for adults must have high-quality springs that offer the best rebound characteristics and reduce adverse effects on joints.    As we age, our joints do too. Trampolining is safer for the knee joints than running and is excellent for people who have Arthritis. Rebounding stimulates and helps lymphatic drainage, which has anti-inflammatory effects on your body. Jumping is the kind of exercise that can help lubricate the joints and reduce pain and stiffness that comes with aging and Arthritis, so jump away!!! You can buy trampolines with four or six legs, which will increase the stability. Today more adults are choosing a sunken or in-ground trampoline model. You may also hear them referred to as below ground, underground, or flat ground.   What that means for you is easier access and a low profile for your backyard.  No stairs or ladders! No climbing required. Trampolines for adults also need to be well-padded. Accidents can happen to anyone, so look for a large, in-ground trampoline that is well padded. Make sure that the pads covering the springs are dense and high-quality. Everyone needs to protect themselves to prevent injuries in the event of a failed trick, jump, or fall. If you want to do more advanced jumps and tricks, don’t forget to put up protective netting around your trampoline, which will absorb the force of falls and prevent the user from landing on the floor. Watch videos of the pros for safety tips. Start creating a lifetime of memories with your very own in-ground trampoline! To bring more freedom, relaxation, joy, fun, happiness into your life, reach out to the folks at Akrobat, and explore which backyard trampoline is right for your family. We offer the most popular sizes of round and rectangular in-ground trampoline kits.  Among all our options, you’ll find the perfect choice for every member of your family. But remember to schedule your Adult Play Time too!!!! Our trampolines also come in 3 attractive choices of colors, suitable for a variety of yards. With the sizes, shapes & colors we have to offer, you are sure to find the perfect trampoline for your family! Visit us today at https://akrobatusa.com/.   Check out Akrobat trampolines! They are synonymous with lasting quality, unmatched performance, and guaranteed safety. And trampolines are the ultimate fun! >>  

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