5 Benefits of In-Ground Trampolines

children jumping on an akrobatUSA trampolines

5 Benefits of In-Ground Trampolines

  Are there any differences between an in-ground trampoline and a conventional one? Absolutely! While both provide endless fun and fitness, an in-ground trampoline offers distinct advantages over traditional trampolines. It’s not just about the look. By installing a high-quality outdoor trampoline in the ground, as opposed to on top, your family can enjoy several additional benefits. Let’s look at some of the key advantages. 1) Fun for the whole family In-ground trampolines are easier to get into, because they’re flush with the ground. No more struggling to climb up and into the trampoline. Now, you simply walk onto it and start bouncing! That means Mom, Dad and even Grandma will have no problem getting onto the trampoline, so that everyone in the family can enjoy the fun together. 2) Safety & peace of mind Did you know that traditional trampolines are as high as three feet off the ground? That’s a pretty big distance to fall, whether a child accidentally rolls off the side or jumps off the side and hits the ground. (Imagine jumping off your kitchen counter and landing on your head. Ouch!) One of the greatest benefits of in-ground trampolines is that you can’t “fall off.” That means that even the biggest jumps are still much closer to the ground. Plus, you also have the option to install a net enclosure for added safety. So, parents can have peace of mind while the kids are playing outside. 3) Easier for young children too Tykes and toddlers love in-ground trampolines, because they don’t need grown-ups to lift them in. They simply walk in and start hop-hop-hopping. That’s great for developing their motor skills, balance and coordination – and it will probably make naptime easier too! Children should always be supervised by an adult when on a trampoline, but now little ones will love that Mom or Dad are always willing to hop on too. 4) A more beautiful backyard You work hard to make your backyard look great. It would be a shame to ruin it with a clunky-looking above-ground trampoline. In-ground trampolines from Akrobat are designed to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Since the bounce mats are flush with the ground, the trampolines look like they’re naturally part of the yard. Even when adding the optional net enclosure, in-ground trampolines do not reveal their frame like traditional ones do. It’s completely hidden beneath the mat, in the ground, preserving the aesthetics of your outdoor space. 5) Health and fitness More fun = more time on the trampoline = more fitness! Since in-ground trampolines are even more inviting and easier to get into than traditional trampolines, they naturally give way to more time spent hopping, jumping and laughing. All of this is great for your muscles, bones, heart, cardiovascular health and mental health, just to name a few. When it comes to backyard fitness, an in-ground trampoline is hard to beat. Take the next step Discover the benefits for yourself. Browse our collection and see what makes Akrobat the world’s most popular in-ground trampoline.

2 thoughts on “5 Benefits of In-Ground Trampolines

  1. Avatar of Rosalie Cotreau
    Rosalie Cotreau says:

    We are really glad we chose the Akrobat 14×10. Thank you for all of your help. Our kids are (finally) occupied most of the time.

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