Holiday Weight Gain is No Match for a Trampoline: A Guide to Holiday Weight Loss

With the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays right around the corner, we all might be eating more than usual at family feasts or dinners. Although the delicious turkey, casseroles, side dishes, and desserts are all worth the calories, you may be wondering how to combat any holiday weight gain. A great way to keep healthy and in shape while still enjoying some tasty pumpkin pie is to exercise using your AkrobatUSA trampoline! With a backyard trampoline, you can make your workouts more fun and enjoyable than ever. We recommend that you perform at least 30 minutes of rebounding on a trampoline per day to see progress with your weight loss or weight maintenance, even if it is broken up throughout the day. Exercising with a trampoline will help to improve your balance, strengthen your muscles, tone your body, and improve your cardiovascular health. Trampoline exercises are better for your joints than running or jogging as they are a low impact alternative for cardio. With only an in-ground trampoline and some of your time, you can help keep off any unwanted holiday weight gain.  

A Guide to Holiday Weight Gain

Here are some exercises you can do on your AkrobatUSA in-ground trampoline: 
  • Straight jump: Jump up and down on your trampoline while engaging your core (tightening your stomach and back muscles).
  • V-Jumps: Jump in a V-formation. With both feet together, jump forward and to the left, then back to the center, then forward to the right, then back to the center.
  • Jump-in: While standing next to your in-ground trampoline, jump forward onto the trampoline and then back onto the ground. You can also jump-in sideways or by alternating legs.
  • Jumping Jacks: While standing on your trampoline, perform jumping jacks while engaging your core and maintaining your balance, moving your legs out, and in with each jump, and your arms from your side to above your shoulders.
  • Jogging in Place: While remaining in the same spot on the trampoline, alternate lifting your knees up and down as though you were jogging.
  • High Knees: While standing on the trampoline, proceed to slowly jog in place, bringing one knee up quickly and as high as possible toward your chest and then switching to the other knee.
  • Torpedo Jumps: While standing on the trampoline with your arms locked straight and down toward your sides, engage your core and jump up and down, pointing your toes and squeezing your quads as you jump as high as you can.
  • Tuck Jumps: While jumping on the trampoline, bring both knees up toward your chest with each bounce. Use your arms to balance by bringing them tucked toward your chest as you jump and quickly extending them out toward your sides as you land.
  • Low front to back jumps: With your knees bent and in a lowered position, jump with both feet forward and then backward.
  • Planking: Lie on your trampoline with your toes and your forearms propping you up. Assume the plank position and hold for as long as you can, for at least 30 seconds, and then relax.
  • Elevated Crunches: Lying with your back on the trampoline mat, raise your legs into the air about a foot and rest your toes on the net for balance. Then proceed to perform crunches in this position, holding for one second with each crunch.
  • Seated Drops: When jumping into the air, extend your legs in front of you and fall back onto the trampoline on your rear, bouncing back into a standing position to begin again.
  • Other Exercise: Of course, you can perform other regular exercises on your in-ground trampoline as well, such as squats, lunges, leg lifts, core twists, and more.
Whether you are exercising by yourself, with your friends, or with your kids on a family trampoline, rebounding exercises are always fun. AkrobatUSA Trampolines offer endless fun for kids, families, athletes, and anyone who loves to bounce! For high performance jumping and maximum safety on quality trampolines that are built to last, shop Wishing you and your families happy and healthy holidays! Medical Disclaimer Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.  WHEN TO CONTACT YOUR PHYSICIAN If you experience any symptoms of weakness, unsteadiness, light-headedness or dizziness, chest pain or pressure, nausea, or shortness of breath. Mild soreness after exercise may be experienced after beginning a new exercise. Contact your physician if the soreness does not improve after 2-3 days.

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